Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Terrorism is a Real, Yet Preventable Disease

It has been well over 2 or 3 months since I’ve blogged.  I don’t know what to write most of the times that I think of writing, so I don’t.  I’m not even sure of what to write now.

How about a tale of summer adventure? A guy I know at school works for Texas Direct Auto at their “production” lot.  I guess that’s in a different location than the sales lot on 59N.  He told me about this guy that showed up to the sales lot on 59, dressed up in a suit and holding a nice little leather attaché, saying he was there for a job interview.  The floor manager told him that they did the interviews at the “production” (I can’t remember what he said the name of this office was, so I’m calling it “production".) office and offered to get him a cab to go there.  After the cab ride the man went into the lobby or whatever and was asked to have a seat and wait to be interviewed.  My buddy, said the guy randomly got up and shouted,”I have reached my final destination!” before he could do anything, some people tackled his misguided ass and got the attaché away from him. Bomb Squad was called in and the guy was taken away by Homeland Security.  My friend said his boss was calling the news stations and everything, but none of them could come out for this attempted suicide bombing… it didn’t receive any coverage or mention at all.  Instead of covering this important subject our news was focused on the ever important story of Nikki Araguz, the widow of a deceased firefighter.  The story was that she used to be a he.  As entertaining a story as this may be, what about reporting REAL news?

I don’t have much else to write about right now. I’ll try to think of more stuff to write, and more often.


  1. The news is crap. Gavin DeBecker said NEWS = Nothing Ever Worth Seeing. Sounds about right.
