Friday, November 12, 2010

Un-civil Disobedience

I am in no way a fan of hippies or “civil disobedience”, but I did defend that right of American’s to do so.  Other RIGHTS that I believe are implied by our Founding Fathers is to not be forced to be seen naked or in shameful ways by government agents (Let us recall something on the lines of “UNREASONABLE SEARCH AND SIEZURE”).  Where is the probable cause to make someone stand in for a full body scan that reveals every detail of their naked body?  They might have a bomb or parts to a bomb?  I don’t like to have to waste my energy typing something like this.  In fact, I don’t feel strongly about much of anything.  I generally work with the idea of not rocking the boat, even if someone just rocked my boat.  I want to be the obedient citizen, following the laws and rules that have been put into place by the people I trust to run my country.

Well, Transportation Security Administration, you have not only rocked my boat, but you have capsized my ass.  For those of you reading this who have short attention spans I’ll post the links now to get them out of the way. (I think the literature on the links will be more informative and better aid you in forming your own opinion.):

Micheal Chertoff Abuses Our Trust

TSA Employees Want to Grope You

Maybe some pictures of the capabilities of this technology and the possible misuse of the same technology by employees hired by TSA could use against you.




To further explain what you are seeing here, the first two are what can be seen on the screen directly by the TSA employee.  The 3rd picture (I could only find an example of this using a female image. Nobody felt the need to show this procedure with a male image.) is showing what can be done later on.  The scanners are capable of saving the images to USB drives that the employee can insert into the computer driving the equipment.  They can then take the images of the desired bodies they wish to see and think of in perverse manners and use software to invert the colors, thereby viewing the actual skin tones of the person.  As you can see in picture #3, it is entirely possible to view this woman as if she was a freaking Playboy Centerfold.


If I wasn’t a smarter man (which I am), or maybe if I was single and didn’t have a family to provide for I might do something drastic… very drastic.  In light of my maturation as an individual I have decided that I will push a movement to have people write their representatives in Congress to settle this matter.  If not, I am damn willing to take this all the way to the Supreme Court to deem this Un-mother lovin-Constitutional.  (I’m doing my best to not use profanity here. I’ll admit, it’s difficult right now.)


Well, as it is nearly 0200 (that’s 2:00AM for you civilian types) I should be off to the rack.  I shall return tomorrow, hopefully having a plan of attack (civilly, of course) with which to get others on board with this.


I took this vow, and I intend to uphold it: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”


Good Night, and Semper Fidelis!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baney is King

It's the little things that matter most. Like coming home and Cady being so glad to see me that she sometimes runs to the door (after running to hide when she hears someone at the door,) but she sure does get excited when I walk in. That is, as long as BARNEY isn't on, because then it is as if the world doesn't exist. Of course, it is okay... she is only 15 months old, after all.IMG_2207

I really just want to make her happy, and happy right now consists of watching some shows and the little thinks, like holding her bunny and pointing out that pigs say, “oik” “oik”… it is so cute.  Or when she holds my had to take me to wherever it that she thinks is so important, but then they become important to me.  I will do pretty much any thing for Cady to be…..


I never know just what to write in these things. I get fairly  nervous about it.  What does a dad write about? Can anyone tell me? got to go for now.