Taylor. Doesn’t it have a nice ring to it? A very nice name, eh? Of course, I’m talking about a guitar. I used to go over to my best friend,
Gabe’s, parents’ pad and drool over all the guitars his dad had hanging on the walls. No matter how many times I went up there I was always in awe. I recall only being allowed to play like 1 or 2 of them. Those guitars were all very special to “Dad”. I mean, most likely, he hand-made each and every one for all I know.

(These aren’t the guitars that are David’s Secret, but they are a sample of Taylor Guitars.) I do know that, in the den, he was always working on something that I “wouldn’t understand”. In retrospect, he was right. I wouldn’t have understood any of the jive he was speaking about the intricacies of sounds. Acoustics were, and still are, a very big mystery to me. Don’t get me wrong, I know how to manipulate the acoustics in a given room where I am controlling the live sound of a performance, or performing myself. Anyway, enough about this. Gabe just sparked an interest in blogging about my favorite guitars. Taylor Guitars. Thanks Gabe, and thanks “Dad” for introducing me to that part of life.

Semper Fidelis! Out here.