Actually, by the time I actually decided to write this it is 0420… that means in the AM, by the way. We brought Cady home early from Lolo & Lola’s last night, around 2100, because she was acting like she was getting tired already. This was not the case. By the time we got her home she was full of energy and wanted to walk around all over the place. So I washed some dishes and cleaned up a bit while Gabby helped Cady walk around. She realized very quickly that bending over holding Cady’s hands so she can walk is very bad for the back, so I took over so Gabby could sit down. It got tiring pretty quick for me as well… seeing as I was still really sore and stiff from moving this gargantuan entertainment center/armour Saturday… that was a doozy, I tell you what. I’ll be completely honest…. movers moved the thing and all I did was help with this really light piece. Apparently going up the stairs with said light piece was not a good idea for me, being as out of shape as I am these days.
Speaking of which… I really need to get myself into a workout routine. I look at myself in the mirror and do not like what I see. I see a wimpy guy. I used to be able to do a lot physically. Now, you can’t say it is because I am getting old because I am only 26. That is still very much young. In the Corps I always had someone to work out with… maybe that would help. I don’t know. I really need some sort of physical outlet.
It is non-sleeping nights like this that I am left to think… and I often think of the Corps. I miss the Corps. I love my life now, but does that mean I can’t miss the Corps? I miss MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts) training, unit PT (physical training), hitting the range, and putting on my uniform and lacing up my boots every morning.
Although I often think of the Corps, it is as a fond remembrance, as one might reminisce of their childhood experiences. Like when my neighbor Kevin and I would play NES (Nintendo Entertainment System and his mom would yell at him in Vietnamese… haha… good times.
At this point, I have nothing much else to say. I don’t know what to do right now at 0540. Cady is finally not stirring anymore. I changed her diaper at 0330 and again about 20 minutes ago, she drank about 3 oz of milk 40 minutes ago, and I carried her to rock her back to a deep sleep at 0330 and 0445. Now it’s quiet in there. Gabby has been knocked out since 0300, when I got up and took over the baby soothing duty. I didn’t have to stay awake this whole time, but I honestly couldn’t sleep right now if I wanted to… and I do!
I’m not sure why I can’t sleep tonight. I don’t have anything in particular on my mind that I can think of. I mean, nothing that should keep me awake at this hour. I guess I’ll play some video games until I fall asleep… I can’t just lay in bed until the sun comes up… if I get tired I know the couch is comfortable… I’ve passed out on it randomly several times. I think I hear a little voice… maybe she needs some more milk… and maybe I’ll be able to go to sleep for an hour or two… maybe…